Happy Lift Trainee (AR)

Alex, 21, was previously digging up the roads before being made redundant and completed our new lift engineer training course in July 2013 - he is now studying with Bromley College.
Please read his written testimonial below:
After finishing a lift engineer training course funded by the government when I was registered with the job centre, I was able to get a new job as an apprentice lift engineer thanks to the help of Social Learning Centre (SLC).
SLC helped me with training and approx 8 to 9 job interviews with local employers who were all interested in the new skills I had just learnt, and I now work as an apprentice lift engineer.
I now work all over London area repairing and maintaining lifts and work with other lift engineers on the company. I would like to thank SLC for all their hard work as without them I wouldn't have this opportunity.
Alex Roberts.